Sunday, September 18, 2005



A Kossack named Barbara is doing the Lord's work in Bogalusa, Slidell, and plenty of other places hit by Katrina -- and all but ignored by the powers that be (unless you consider figuring out ways to move in and take over land once owned by poor black people "hurricane relief").

Um, not to say I told you so, but Barbara did:

Contact the RED CROSS and ask them where the fuck the $700 million is going, cuz they sure aren't helping the folks much here. Sure, they have shelters and soup kitchens, but that is that. The shelters may or may not have food or sundry items. I actually took a load of things to the one here today because they didn't have stuff.

Sadly, to my knowledge, only ONE media personality, Laura Flanders, has mentioned that the effective organizations are the community-based ones, not the nationals. They know who is who and what they need. The problem of course is that they are also a pig in a poke. This is why screening through a media personality is so valuable.

Laura Flanders recommended Community-Labor United as a clearinghouse for charitable work. More later if I can ever get the d--n AAR page to load.
Actually, as Willowby points out here and elsewhere in the thread, ARC's mission isn't small-scale relief, but large-scale relief along the lines the large soup kitchens that Barbara mentioned.
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