Thursday, December 09, 2004


First O'Reilly, Then Scalia: How Republicans Treat American Jews

Hard on the heels of Bill O'Reilly's thoughtful and sensitive efforts at outreach to the Jewish community, I found the following message in my mailbox:

Published on Thursday, December 2, 2004 by
Scalia To Synagogue - Jews Are Safer With Christians In Charge by Thom Hartmann Antonin Scalia, the man most likely to be our next Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, turned history on its head recently when he attended an Orthodox synagogue in New York and claimed that the Founders intended for their Christianity to play a part in government. Scalia then went so far as to suggest that the reason Hitler was able to initiate the Holocaust was because of German separation of church and state. The Associated Press reported on November 23, 2004, "In the synagogue that is home to America's oldest Jewish congregation, he [Scalia] noted that in Europe, religion-neutral leaders almost never publicly use the word 'God.'" "Did it turn out that," Scalia asked rhetorically, "by reason of the separation of church and state, the Jews were safer in Europe than they were in the United States of America?" He then answered himself, saying, "I don't think so." Scalia has an extraordinary way of not letting facts confound his arguments, but this time he's gone completely over the top by suggesting that a separation of church and state facilitated the Holocaust. If his comments had gotten wider coverage (they were only noted in one small AP article, and one in the Jerusalem Post), they may have brought America's largest religious communities - both Christian and Jewish - into the streets. [...] Oh, and in addition to being such a learned scholar of American history, Justice Scalia is the same Baron of Moral Righteousness that said recently that sex orgies were just fine as far as he was concerned.

the right wingers are setting the Jews up for a fall. When they're unable to pretend the war is anything less than a miserable failure guess who they're going to blame it on?
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