Sunday, December 12, 2004


GOP: Really Sore Losers

Remember all the bogus articles from early 2001 about how the awful Clintons pulled "w"s off the computer keyboards before leaving the White House? Of course, nobody in the "mainstream" press bothered to give anywhere near as much time to the legitimate complaints that the Clintons themselves had eight years earlier, when the outgoing Bushistas trashed computer files, shredded documents (especially those involving the Iraqgate scandal, wherein the first Bush administration looked the other way while Saddam took money earmarked for agriculture and put it into munitions) and generally refused to be at all helpful to the new Democratic administration. And we won't be hearing much in our GOP-friendly national press about this little story out of Illinois. This morning's Chicago Tribune had a feature on GOP legislator Phil Crane's impending retirement after 35 years in Congress. Crane lost to Melissa Bean, one of the many Democratic candidates backed by Howard Dean's DFA. Crane, nearly two months afterwards, still hasn't called to concede or even to congratulate his opponent. Not only that, he won't even let his staff turn over files to Bean's people so she can start addressing concerns already raised by her new constituents! In typical Republican fashion, Crane thinks more about scoring points against his Democratic opponent even after she's won the election than he does about taking care of the voters in his district. Shades of how they had to damn near dynamite B-1 Bob Dornan out of his offices at the Capitol after Democrat Loretta Sanchez beat him in the 1996 midterm elections.

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