Wednesday, December 15, 2004


"Topic A"

Since it seems to be the "in" thing to do, and since I'd love to con some trolls from LGF into wasting time farting in the comments threads, I'll throw out the raw meat and bring up the issues of abortion and birth control. Ever wonder why the leaders of the anti-choice crowd have historically opposed both abortion AND birth control? Because the real issue isn't about saving babies, it's about making sure women can't have sex lives like men's. Don't believe me? Check this out: Here's a history of the Catholic Church's varying attitudes towards abortion over the last two thousand years. Note that while the Catholic Church has generally frowned on abortion, it didn't start equating it with murder until 1869, and it didn't outright forbid it in all circumstances until the 20th century. Note this well: St. Augustine, the guy who formulated much of the early Church's basic doctrine, attacked abortion NOT because he thought it was murder (he didn't, and said so), but because it removed the linkage between sex and procreation. Other theologians followed his lead. In other words: It's always been about making sure sex has consequences for women; "saving babies' lives" didn't enter the picture until later. Much later. Remember, condoms were invented to keep men from getting VD, not to keep women from getting pregnant.

PW, thanx for the link!

I also recommend browsing into "The Kindness of Strangers," a history of what was done in the West with unwanted children.
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