Thursday, December 09, 2004


Where Do I Start?

So much asshattery, so little time: Do I mention how the Junior Senator from Minnesota, Senator Blow-Dry, was allowed to go waaaay out on a limb with his Ten Minutes' Hate bit against Kofi Annan before the Bushistas yanked the rug out from under him? Do I discuss how Tom DeLay's house of cards just took another major hit from the Ronnie Earle wrecking ball? Or do I hold forth on how Bill O'Reilly, not content with telling American Jews uncomfy with the idea of forced worship of the Christ Child to "move to Israel", is digging himself in deeper by attacking the head of the Anti-Defamation League? Nahhhh. Atrios is doing a good enough job of that himself. Check it out, here, here, and here. Instead, I'm going to pass on a memo I got from Steve Rosenthal, of America Coming Together (ACT). It goes kinda like this:

Dear Phoenix Woman, This past Sunday I wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post titled "Okay, We Lost Ohio. The Question Is, Why?". In it, I try to dispel a few of the most popular myths about how John Kerry lost Ohio (and the election overall) by interpreting the most recent exit polling and results of a post-election survey taken by ACT.... Our work in Ohio and around the country achieved record turnout and key victories for Democrats in Congress, state legislatures and gubernatorial races across the battleground states. But the bottom line still remains -- George Bush won reelection and, now more than ever, we must stand together to fight against the Republicans' extremist agenda. In the month since Election Day, ACT has begun an extensive review. The lessons from it are great and sometimes difficult, but only by thoroughly understanding what happened -- in every precinct of every state -- are we able to effectively build a strategy for the future. And just as you did on Election Day, you are leading the way today! Not waiting for us, reunions of ACT volunteers have been organized around the country with hundreds of ACTivists at each. You are the heart of this organization and I am incredibly honored and excited for the opportunity to work for you leading ACT into the New Year. We want to continue to be your home, your campaign and your cause. So, will you stand with ACT in 2005? Will you recommit your time, passion and money to helping build a sustained progressive movement in the United States? Will you help keep ACT field offices open in Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona and elsewhere? Will you continue to lead the fight against George Bush and the radical Republican agendas in federal, state and local governments? I know your answer is yes. Please help chart ACT's course today. We have started building comprehensive plans for 2005, 2006 and, of course, 2008. We are identifying key races -- on the federal, state and local levels -- which are critical to our party and our future. Now it's up to you. Your pledge of support today will help us make some very difficult decisions. So please take a moment now to help chart the future course of the largest voter mobilization effort in history. Change is more than a mouse-click away, but this is the first important step. ACT didn't end on November 2nd, it's just beginning today -- with you. Thank you for all you do. Best wishes for a safe and happy New Year. Steve Rosenthal
America Coming Together PS. You are receiving this message along with nearly 400,000 volunteers, donors and online supporters of ACT. Help us spread the word by announcing your continued support of ACT to your friends and family.

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