Saturday, January 22, 2005


Chalabi? Arrested? I don't think so.

News flash: Iraqi Police plan to arrest Ahmad Chalabi -- but only after Sunday and the end of the Eid holy period Uh-huh. Suuuure they will. I'll believe it when I see it. If they were going to arrest him, they wouldn't have announced it like this. They simply would have kept their mouths shut and then stormed his offices Monday morning once the holy days were over. Nope, this is all about giving him a two-day head start. By the time Monday morning rolls around, the Iraqi authorities, such as they are, will roll up to his front door, and be oh-so-shocked to find him gone. We're talking about a guy who escaped from Jordan in the trunk of a car rather than face the music -- or the headsman's sword -- for trashing the Petra Bank. If there's one thing Ahmad is good at, it's making a hasty exit.

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