Thursday, January 20, 2005


Fear Is The Mindkiller

Which is exactly why, as Lance Mannion notes, that BushCo and the rest of the Republicans and their media allies want to keep us afraid 24/7. Look at all the security surrounding all the empty bleachers in DC. All the hand-picked crowds. (By the way: It was like this during Bush's first Unaugural, so he can't use 9/11 as the handy shield to hide behind.) This is all about keeping us afraid. Afraid of the terrorists. Afraid of the Muslims. Afraid of the French. Afraid of all blacks everywhere. Just plain afraid. Because the more frightened we are, the less we think -- and the easier it is for them to herd us like sheep. And the less chance there is of us daring to reject them, even though the majority of us don't like the direction that BushCo has taken our once-strong, once-proud, once-moral country.

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