Friday, January 07, 2005


File This Under "WHAT 'Liberal Media'?!"

This week, Senator John Kerry (you might remember him, being he ran for president last year) is doing something Bush won't dare do nowadays: Visiting -- and I mean actually visiting, not just running in for 45-minute photo-ops with plastic turkeys -- US troops in Iraq. So of course, what was the one Kerry-related story on the local news of my "liberal" National Public Radio station this morning? It was about a bus company in Rochester, Minnesota who was suing Kerry over an unpaid bus-rental bill. I swear, a Democrat could wipe out the deficit, give us millions of new jobs, and make everyone in America better off than they had been, and the media would nearly hound him out of office for having sex with a hottie who wasn't his wife. Oh, wait, they've already tried that.

Come to think of it, I did notice the Kerry visit because of a blog, not the traditional media.
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