Sunday, January 30, 2005


Racialist science meeting launders CCC, Stormfront extremist image

Dennis Roddy has a tremendous article on the a racialist science meeting called "American Renaissance" This article shows the role of the Pioneer Fund in keeping alive racialist academics to feed the myth that intelligence, and hence worth, is genetic. The irony is that the data in Murray and Herrnstein's "The Bell Curve" showed that African American and Caucasian IQs converged over the course of the 20th century. The unavoidable conclusion is that environment and not genetics, is the dominant factor in intelligence. So the Pioneer Fund-funded racialists have the distinction of being so stupid that they don't know that their own data disproves their claims. This piece also shows the nexus between the neo-Nazis, Stormfront, and the "respectable" Conzervative Citizens Council. The latter, of course, had and presumably has warm relationships with a number of powerful Washington politicians.
Excellent post, Charles. Yes, Trent Lott is only the most infamous of the politicians connected to the religio-racist right.
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