Sunday, February 27, 2005
Count Chocula And The Law Of Unintended Results
LOGANSPORT, Ind. -- U.S. Rep. Chris Chocola's bar graph showing Social Security's growing red ink over the next 75 years did not have its intended effect at a recent town hall meeting. When Chocola, R-Ind., asked Cass County residents what they thought Washington should do about the fact that the program will not collect enough in taxes to pay out all its promised benefits to retirees, the answers were not what he -- or President Bush -- would like to hear. One man called for rolling back the tax cuts Bush enacted. Several women said the United States should stop spending so much on wars and disaster aid in other countries. Others argued that if U.S. companies stopped moving jobs overseas, there would be more workers paying into the Social Security system. As for Bush's main proposal -- allowing younger workers to divert some of their Social Security taxes into personal investment accounts -- the applause came when Camden resident Pete Wagoner told Chocola: It's the entirely wrong way to go.Blammo. Oh, and while Count Chocula now says he never was for privatization, we know better. Josh Marshall has the goods on him.
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