Friday, March 25, 2005


Words I Never Thought I'd Type

Namely, "Thank God for USA Today." Some of the best coverage of the Schiavo case has come from that paper. Today's article is a prime example thereof. As a commenter over at Eschaton said: I don't understand how they can charge the husband with abuse. The medical malpractice lawsuit against Terri Schiavo's physicians (for failure to diagnose the eating disorder that caused her collapse) would surely have uncovered abuse if there had been any indications of it, and the defendant physicians would have had every reason to present evidence of abuse, had there been any. And if the allegation is that the withdrawal of feeding tubes is abuse, that withdrawal is pursuant to court order. That's exactly it. The Schindlers only started the "abuse" allegations after 2000, which is about when they became the poster kids for the the pro-life industry. In prior legal actions, nothing of the sort was ever alleged, much less proven, against Michael Schiavo. (The timeline shows that it was in November of 2002, over ten years after Terri suffered the bulimia-induced heart attack, that the Schindlers first alleged in court that Michael Schiavo abused his wife.) If Michael really had done a tenth of what the Schindlers and/or their surrogates now say he did, the hospitals that faced the malpractice charges in 1992 would have used that against him, and won. This is precisely why the Schindlers keep losing in court: They keep on making claims they cannot prove. Period. Judge after judge, in both State and now Federal court, has told them so. But instead of giving up, they keep coming back with wilder and wilder statements, but still no proof. Worse yet, the newer statements often directly contradict things they have said in the past. For example, as recently as 2000, one of the Schindlers' lawyers actually admitted that Terri was in a PVS: Despite the row over money, Schiavo and the Schindlers agreed on one major point in the 2000 testimony: the extent of Terri's brain damage, according to additional court documents cited by The Miami Herald. In the documents, Pamela Campbell, then the Schindlers' lawyer, told the court that "we do not doubt that she's in a persistent vegetative state." Campbell could not be reached to confirm the statement. Now the parents are making bizarre and unfounded claims that she can talk, when anyone who looks at her CT scan can tell you that this is just plain impossible. That tells you how untrustworthy the Schindlers and their handlers have become.

What part of "thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" don't these people understand?
As Steve Gilliard has posted, we are definitely leaving Kansas. Acts of terrorism have been advocated in defense of the "culture of life." Jeb Bush has attempted to kidnap a woman as a "Christian" act.

Crank up the Glockenspiel of the Apocalypse.
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