Saturday, April 09, 2005


JP II Funeral: Clinton Cheered, Bush Booed

It's true: Al Rodgers over at DaliyKos shows that despite living with a media controlled by corrupt Bush-licker Silvio Berlusconi, Italians hate Bush and adore Bill Clinton. Here's a link on the booing from the Canadian paper Times and Transcript:

VATICAN CITY (AP) - U.S. President George W. Bush joined throngs of the faithful yesterday in paying final respects to Pope John Paul, the pontiff whose stands on abortion and other social issues meshed with his but who criticized both him and his father, former president George H.W. Bush, for waging war with Iraq. Not only was Bush Jr. the first U.S. president to attend a papal funeral, he also headed a delegation to the three-hour funeral mass that included his father and former president Bill Clinton. When the president's face appeared on giant screen TVs showing the ceremony, many in the crowd outside St. Peter's Square booed and whistled.
(Oh, and no, none of the headlines of the US versions of that same AP article that I could find mentioned Clinton's being cheered or Bush's being jeered. Gee, I wonder why?) Contrast that with the Italians' reaction to Bill Clinton:
As Mr. Clinton went for a walk, ... shoppers, tourists having lunch at outdoor cafes and Italian business people going to meetings all stopped to greet him. Along the streets, people starting yelling "Bill, Bill, Bill," and a few shouted "U.S.A.!" One shopkeeper raced out with a photograph of Mr. Clinton on a past visit. "You go around the world and you see a lot of affection for Americans," he said. [...] ... by the time Mr. Clinton made it out of the back streets and into the open square, a mob of hundreds developed. Mr. Clinton's nervous Italian bodyguards put him in a car and sped him away. After the dinner with the Italian leader, he went out with [Ukraine] President Viktor Yuschenko and stayed out with him until after midnight.
I have my differences with Clinton, but it's obvious to everyone that the whole world would be better off if he were still in office.

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