Saturday, April 09, 2005


Regime Change in Hamilton County, Tennessee

From the Kos Diaries:

Who would have thought this possible? Hamilton County Democratic Party had their reorganization meeting today and what a change it was. Our local party had to be one of the most pathetic in the nation, it is hard to imagine anything worse than them. Our party seemed so out of touch with their constituency: so bad that the GOP picked up the poor and disenfranchised from our lazy Party. They did little during the Kerry campaign. Local individuals and 527's did everything: voter registration, rock the vote, house parties, protest marches and rallies. Not only did our local Democratic Party not do the activities, but the local officials never bothered to even make an appearance. After the election, one of the well known Democrats, Curtis Adams, a well known school hater and racist switched to the RNC. He told people he voted for Bush and attended the Pachyderm meetings, all the while being an elected Democrat. AARRGGGHHH!!!! This morning, the IBEW was filled to capacity, with people wanting change. The old party moved slow and was disorganized, I guess they were hoping many would leave by slowing down the process. The doors opened at 9:00 am and by 10:30 registration was closed with over 250 people in attendance. The vote for Chairperson did not take place until around 1:00. It was a ridiculous meeting designed to torture everyone. In the end, the entire old guard was gone and replaced by young, energetic and smart people. Stuart James is the Party Chair, State Representative JoAnne Favors, a well known African American Lady is Vice Chair, Alice O'Dea is Secretary, she runs our Hamdems Site and is a wonderful activist and protester, and Debbie Colburn is Treasurer. Debbie ran last year for State Representative and had to endure the wrath of the Rethuglican Slime Machine. Executive Councils changed positions with Stewart Collins, who ran the Wes Clark Campaign, and yours truly, moi, for this freeper area of Signal, Lookout and Elder Mountain plus Riverview. Please Kossacks, if it can happen here in the buckle of the Bible Belt, it can happen in your area. Go out and take over your local Party. Change is needed and Good Luck. Yeehaw!!!
This is happening all over the country. Groups of people who first got together two years ago at Dean Meetups are now running for office, taking over local Democratic party machinery, and generally cleaning house. DFA, under Jim Dean, is picking up where Jim's brother Howard left off when Howard went to take over the DNC. Both Deans have said that the Democratic Party needs rebuilding from the ground up, and by gum, they intend to do it with our help. We have the power to take our country back.

This is exactly how it is done.

I remember more years ago than I care to think about standing up as a county delegate and pointing out that if we each put up a nickel a week, we'd go into elections ready to roll. The proposal was voted down like 6,321 to 1.

Well, that's how it felt, anyway.

It didn't take very much more of that before I quit.

Which is what they wanted.

You gotta walk in, kick them all out, and run things clean.
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