Sunday, July 24, 2005


TreasonGate: In Which All Effing Hell Is About To Break Loose

Think Progress points out Frank Rich's seminal column on Gonzales' role in TreasonGate, and also the signal fact that the corporate US news media is actually following up on what Rich wrote:

On CBS’s Face the Nation, host Bob Schieffer noted that this time gap would have “give[n] people time to shred documents and do any number of things.” Gonzales argued that he asked for and received permission from the Justice Department to wait until the next morning to order White House staff to preserve all documents regarding their contacts with journalists about Valerie Plame. But he did tell one person the night before…

SCHIEFFER: Let me just ask you the obvious question, Mr. Attorney General. Did you tell anybody at the White House, get ready for this, here it comes?

GONZALES: I, I told one person, ah, in, in the White House of, of the notification, and, and —


GONZALES: - and immediately — ah, I told the chief of staff. And immediately the next morning, I told the President and, shortly thereafter, there was a notification sent out to all the members of the White House staff.

Check out the video of this at Crooks and Liars.
So the one person who knew that an investigation was underway was Chief of Staff Andrew Card, who also happened to be aboard Air Force One in July 2003 with Ari Fleischer, Colin Powell, and the top secret State Department document that contained the identity of Valerie Wilson. So, did Card tell Rove or Libby or anyone for that matter the night before Alberto Gonzales sent out the email to staff that they would soon be asked to preserve all documents?
I think it's actually sinking into the thick, expensively-coiffed heads of the nation's pampered national press parrots that a) real crimes were committed here, and b) somebody -- or rather, multiple somebodies -- will be paying for them. And soon.

"I think it's actually sinking into the thick, expensively-coiffed heads of the nation's pampered national press parrots that a) real crimes were committed here, and b) somebody -- or rather, multiple somebodies -- will be paying for them."

As an incentive to report on this latest revelation, (b) is far more important than (a). The press corpse hasn't shown any interest in the other real crimes the Busheviks have committed.

It's all just fun and games until 1,700+ soldiers get killed.
A-yep. Too bad that too many press zombies are foursquare behind Mrs. Ahmad Chalabi.
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