Thursday, September 29, 2005


Yes, people this stupid are running our government (Sid Blumenthal smackdown of Karen Hughes)

Sidney Blumenthal is an accomplished master of rhetoric, delivering with perfect deadpan lines like From her exile, Hughes produced a memoir, "Ten Minutes From Normal," which is deeply uninteresting and unrevealing. Amid long stretches of uninformative banality lie unselfconscious expressions of religiosity.... And yet, it is Hughes's own words that are the most deadly: When an Egyptian opposition leader inquired why President Bush mentions God in his speeches, she asked him "whether he was aware that previous American presidents have also cited God, and that our Constitution cites 'one nation under God.' He said, 'Well, never mind.'" Quoting Roseanne Roseannadana, I would imagine. Good! Grief! Has Hughes ever read the Constitution? One would guess from the quote, which evidently survived a (Viking) editor, that she has not. And now she's a high official in the State Department! Worse, as Blumenthal points out, every word she says confirms what bin Laden is telling his followers, that the United States is on a crusade bent on destroying Islam and the Arab world.
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