Thursday, November 03, 2005


Another Corrupt Bushevik Takes a Fall

CPB Ex-Chairman Is Removed From Board

Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, the former head of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, was forced to step down as a member of its board on Thursday evening. The move came after the board began reviewing a confidential report by the inspector general of the corporation into accusations about Mr. Tomlinson's use of corporation money to promote more conservative programming. [...] The move - and a statement by the corporation - strongly suggested that the inspector general discovered significant problems under Mr. Tomlinson, but officials at the corporation declined to discuss those findings. Board members who had copies of the report declined to discuss it, citing confidentiality agreements.
The surprise isn't that the inspector general found "significant problems" (which phrase I translate as "typically corrupt Bushevism"), but that Tomlinson was forced out over it. Maybe we are indeed seeing the beginning of the end for the Busheviks.
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