Wednesday, November 23, 2005


The pro from Dover

Once or maybe twice a year, I disagree with Gene Lyons. Not this week. Here he is on the Dover court case. Totally pro. ID got exposed as Biblical Fundamentalism in a badly fitting lab coat. Lest you suspect exaggeration, ponder this sentence from creationist textbook called “Of Pandas and People” cited in the Louisiana case: “Creation means that various forms of life began abruptly through the agency of an intelligent creator, with their distinctive features already intact - fish with fins and scales, birds with feathers, beaks, and wings, etc.” Here it is again from a post-1987 edition of the same book, purchased by the Dover school board: “Intelligent design means that various forms of life began abruptly through an intelligent agency, with their distinctive features already intact - fish with fins and scales, etc. Not much additional research appears to have been done. ... The scientist who fared worst on the witness stand was Michael Behe, a biochemist from Lehigh University and author of the best-selling book “Darwin’s Black Box.” Surrounded by stacks of books and journal articles dealing with the evolution of the human immune system, a mystery his book argued “scientific literature has no answer” for, Behe was reduced rhetorically dismissing works he obviously knew nothing about. In a real country, this would mean the end of ID. In Bushco, it's just another act in the circus.
"Surrounded by stacks of books and journal articles dealing with the evolution of the human immune system, a mystery his book argued scientific literature has no answer for, Behe was reduced rhetorically dismissing works he obviously knew nothing about."

And that's the whole point of Intelligent Design. People like Behe are too stupid to pursue scientific methodology, so they throw up their hands and praise *whatever.*

Beats working for a living, I guess. I wonder how much it pays...
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