Saturday, November 19, 2005


The Unfinished Business of the Reagan Era: Torture and Murder in Central America

From the Beeb A former deputy defence minister of El Salvador has been found responsible for torture and murder in a US trial. The court ordered Nicolas Carranza to pay $1.5m to each of four accusers. He was found to have let soldiers under his command torture and kill civilians during El Salvador's military-dominated government in the 1980s. ...Mr Alvarado told the court that as a student he was seized by government agents, hung blindfolded from a ceiling, shocked with electrical wires and beaten repeatedly, AP reported. Another woman testified that she had been made to listen as her mother was shot. ...More than 75,000 people died during El Salvador's 12-year civil war between the US-backed government and left-wing rebels, which ended in 1992. What the Beeb leaves out is that the large majority of the slain were civilians executed by terrorists like Carranza. Some were soldiers killed by people defending their lands and their lives and maybe 10% but probably less were from non-governmental terrorism. Oh, and that the US under Reagan financed and directed a lot of the carnage. Your tax dollars at work, turning human beings into rotting meat.
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