Friday, January 27, 2006
Most Americans: Bush Is A Failure -- And A Liar
Here's a poll that you won't be seeing Bob Schieffer or Brian Williams cite any time soon on the evening TV newscasts:
Jan. 26 (Bloomberg) -- A majority of Americans said the presidency of George W. Bush has been a failure and that they would be more likely to vote for congressional candidates who oppose him, according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll. Fifty-two percent of adults said Bush's administration since 2001 has been a failure, down from 55 percent in October. Fifty- eight percent described his second term as a failure. At the same point in former President Bill Clinton's presidency, 70 percent of those surveyed by Gallup said they considered it a success and 20 percent a failure. [...] The percentage of Americans who called Bush ``honest and trustworthy'' fell 7 percentage points in the last year to 49 percent, the poll found. The new poll also found that 62 percent of Americans said they are ``dissatisfied'' with ``the way things are going'' in the U.S., unchanged from a December survey. The percentage of ``dissatisfied'' Americans reached its peak in October of 2005 when 68 percent of those surveyed agreed.Okay, Democrats, here's your angle for everything: Whenever Bush opens his mouth on any subject, your Standard Response should be: "He's lied to us on Iraq, he's lied to us on Social Security, he's lied to us on terrorism, he's lied to us on why he's broken the law to wiretap honest American churchgoing Christian Quakers. What makes you think he's telling the truth now?" Repeat early and often. [UPDATE: Welcome, Daou Report readers! Beer is in the fridge over by the couch. Mind the cats and the dog. And while you're here, don't forget to check out the other fine posts in this blog. Thanks for coming!]
At least if you live in that piece of the MoFo Zone called Chris Matthews's brain.
What do you think Moon would have said about a child of his who would vote to put a crook and a liar on the Supreme Court while the people of New Orleans are homeless, shell shocked, and hungry for justice?
I believe he would have said that if Democrats will not fight for their family, their friends, and their homes, then no one is going to fight for them.
He would have urged you to join the filibuster of Alito and use the floor time to tell the nation about how George Bush destroyed New Orleans.
Don't try to make it more precise, it gets boring. Example: "In the lead-up to the second Iraq war, the Bush administration said that Saddam Hussein had enough chemical munitions to build 16,000 chemical warheads. Now we know they lied. How can we trust them again?". too tedious. Instead say "these are the same guys with the 16 thousand nerve gas bombs". or "Whatever happened to the 16 thousand chemical warheads?"
People automatically put it together, just by pointing out the lie, that you should not trust the liar again. You don't have to say it. People also put it together if you just mention a familiar topic - WMD means WMD in Iraq. Maybe they wouldn't get the 16,000 warheads reference, so just say WMD.
As the gospels say, let the dead bury the dead. The present Democratic leadership needs to be ignored, and new leadership installed.
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