Thursday, February 09, 2006
Humor me
The people who act heroically with regularity are seldom found in public office or in the employment of the federal government, not publically and if publically then not for long.
I'd like a lot of those people mentioned at Firedog have the same interrogation methods used by the federal government loosen their lips. But only when I'm not trying to be heroically good.
That's really the problem in Washington. People are trying to "appear like" or "side with" or "go on record as believing." You have people like Linda Tripp and L. Jean Lewis who have grandiose designs on changing history. It's like Jerusalem Syndrome, in which visitors to Palestine get grandiose hallucinations of their relationship with God.
Why? I dunno. Mescaline in the water?
And, yeah, I suspect that John Yoo and Alberto Gonzales would be substantially improved by a few waterboarding sessions.
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