Monday, February 06, 2006
John Bolton, 21st Century Waterburglar?
The Corporatocracy does a lot of things that clearly aren't in the interests of the US - in fact, they now seem to exist above and beyond all governments as an independent entity that runs the world. Why wouldn't they have their own intel?
I start the inquiry by asking who would benefit from an action. Sometimes motives are not obvious, but often they are. Who would wiretap (a) the US embassy, (b) the Greek Ministry of Defense, and (c) peace activists? I don't see a commercial motive in this.
If the USG did it, why tap their own embassy? Did they suspect their staff? But that tap would be even harder to explain if a faction of the Greek government did it, perhaps to seize power. Suppose that Al Qaida did it (unlikely they could have penetrated Vodafone that thoroughly, but possible). Then the embassy and Greek government taps make sense. But the peace activists?
And Vodafone? What on earth could they have been after?
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