Saturday, March 04, 2006


GOP Senator: Bushco Dubai deal was a crime

Senator Richard Shelby says Government officials broke the law when they agreed to let a United Arab Emirates-owned company operate terminals at major American ports without doing a more extended review of the national security implications, U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby said Thursday. Not that there's ever been any doubt, of course. But for persons of limited comprehension, the sanction of a shaman of their own clan is required for them to understand that when something is a "law," you are supposed to actually obey it. For the party of Duke Cunningham, Tom Noe, Ralph Reed, and Jack Abramoff, that concept may be very difficult to absorb.
I've been unable to get anyone interested in this point yet but the fact that the anti-government party, those who are privatizing everything including combat are touting the virtues of a government owned company is just too hypocritical to not use.
It's a terrific point, Olvlzl.

As MEC says, the GOP has gone beyond lying. They invert truth, so that black is white and up is down. The Dubai ports issue really is a classic:

1. (As you say), government ownership of business is bad unless the government is Dubai.
2. Countries that harbor terrorists need to be attacked and invaded unless those countries are Dubai.
3. Countries who so much as talked to Al Qaida before 911 need to be bombed, unless those countries are Dubai.
4. Running guns to and drugs from a terrorist group like Al Qaida is bad unless we're doing it through Dubai.

This is not just hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is telling your kid not to use drugs while drinking a gin fizz. Hypocrisy is when Mom raises daughter to be sexually "pure," but cheats with her boss.

Republicans have perfected a technique in which reality is completely detached from history or present actions and is completely determined by what they would wish it to be.
"Republicans have perfected a technique in which reality is completely detached from history or present actions and is completely determined by what they would wish it to be."

In other words, Republicans collectively manifest the defining traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
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