Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Two-thirds of GOP approves of criminals in Congress

Well, it is Texas. But that's what the margin for Tom DeLay in the primary looks to be. Meanwhile, if I were Ciro Rodriguez, I would definitely be thinking "Diebold." From Alicia Caldwell at AP With about half of precincts reporting, Rodriguez had 11,269 votes, or 56.4 percent. Cuellar had 7,304 votes, or 36.6 percent, but votes from his base along the U.S.-Mexico border were still being counted. Only... that's not what it looks like right now. Webb and Zapata counties are coming with 80-90% Cuellar vote, according to the Secretary of State. Chris Bowers thinks it's Republican crossover, but Bush isn't even all that popular among Republicans anymore. Cuellar won? You know, I just don't think so. Update. The following was posted by Phoenix Rising the thread linked above: We don't know about Webb. Please keep reading (other threads). If you've missed it elsewhere, Webb County had a "voting machine glitch". Rumor has it that the 9000+ votes from Webb are the total count, not the early ballots. If that's the case, then Ciro's in for a run-off race. If not, Ciro's probably done. Just amazing how many "glitches" that area of Texas has. It's a regular Gremlinville.
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