Sunday, May 07, 2006
Openly delusional Bush says that Armaggedon is underway
But I think the Cold War and the present conflict should not be called world wars. Between them, the only countries that got occupied were Hungary, Korea, Nepal, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq... I'm sure I'm missing a couple. Relatively little territory changed hands. What really distinguishes war from low intensity conflict is occupation. Granted, a nuclear exchange without occupation would be war, for certain.
I try to look at things as they will be seen by people writing 100 years later. There may be arguments about whether the US was more benevolent or destructive as a hegemon than your run-of-the-mill Great Power. But about Armageddon, there will be no debates, since there will be no one left to do the debating. That's very hard to spin positively.
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