Saturday, July 01, 2006


The stones cry out

On the page the image comes from, there are oral histories in Spanish. With the knowledge and complicity of the United States, Mexico murdered peaceful political dissidents: The leaked report - which covers 1964 to 1982 and is based partly on declassified Mexican military documents - alleged that the Mexican government and military committed "crimes against humanity". Hundreds of activists disappeared during the "dirty war" It said units detained or summarily executed men and boys in villages suspected of links to rebel leader Lucio Cabanas. Detainees were forced to drink gasoline and tortured with beatings and electric shocks. Bodies of dozens of leftists were dumped in the Pacific Ocean during helicopter "death flights" from military bases in Acapulco and elsewhere, the leaked report added. The worst single incident was at the Plaza of Tlatelolco: [Former president] Echeverria, 84, allegedly ordered the killing of student protesters in 1968, days before the Olympic Games opened in Mexico City. Prosecutors say up to 300 people may have died when government agents hidden among regular soldiers opened fire. Mr Echeverria was interior minister in 1968 at the time of the killings in Tlatelolco Square. This was cold-blooded murder, a terrorist attack by a government against its own people. Their blood, spilled so wantonly, cries out for justice from the pavement of Tlatelolco. And justice never comes.
EEEW. That pic is the roundabout at Torremolinos. Ugly ugly ugly. This once wonderful place is now a cheap holiday destination full of the most ghastly overbuilding of apartments, etc. I have ever seen.
The statue is a tribute to "The Tourist." The ruin of much of the Spanish coast is so sad, and Torremolinos is the worst case by any measure. They run out of water about July. It's squalid.
Oh,Charles, on another topic: the League of Women Voters passed a resolution calling for "accountable paper trail voting" at the recent convention, which I attended. Sorry I jumped all over you about the League's position in a previous comment. You were right. Our more nuanced position, which merely called for accountability, allowed people to think we were compromising our principles. So we fixed that.
Thanks for the news of the clarification of the League's position. Far more important than my feelings is getting people unified that unverifiable voting is unacceptable.

As for the aesthetics, nothing could be uglier than what was done at the Plaza of Tlatelolco. Innocent people gunned down by the hundreds by secret police.

Today and tomorrow, we will learn whether the election has been stolen. That will either be an insult to or homage to the memories of those murdered so senselessly in 1968.
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