Monday, July 17, 2006


This is what Dallas looks like....

...if you teleported all the people in it to Mexico City's central square. (Image from La Jornada. DemocracyNow! has a segment; transcript not up at this moment. John Ross says that there may have been 1.5 million people, but the police said 1.1 million. The largest demonstration in Mexico heretofore was 1.2 million, when they tried to keep Lopez Obrador off the ballot.Complaints detailing 53,000 precincts with anomalies (out of 130,000) have been submitted already. There is a second track, to invalidate the election. The TEPFJ court, called the Trife has the power to do whatever is needed. If ballots aren't recounted, the PRD may withdraw from the government in December, creating a constitutional crisis. The Washington Post is up to its usual stupidity, with Manuel Roig Franzia claiming that Lopez Obrador is suddenly asserting a new causus belli, "errors" in half the precincts. As readers of Mercury Rising know, this was always the reason for the anger: a 1% recount after the election showed an unacceptable error rate. But in Kremlinological terms, there's a sufficient tone change to the article to suggest that the Washington Post realizes that the "Lopez Obrador=Hugo Chavez=Fidel Castro" story isn't selling. So Pravda on the Potomac finds itself scrambling to get close enough to the rear of the rest of humanity to lead the reactionary charge.
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