Monday, August 14, 2006


Kingfish ala Chicken

The PejePollo. "This Superchicken comes equipped with testicles." (The conceptually correct, if literally incorrect translation for Lopez Obrador's nickname "Peje" is "The Kingfish"). The news from Mexico is sometimes so grim that we forget that people there know how to laugh. The image above was posted on SenderodelPeje along with a lot of other very funny phototoons that don't require too much imagination to interpret. And there are photos of wonderful street scenes from the "megaplanton" (Million Man Sit-in) But speaking of grim, Narconews reports OAXACA CITY, August 10, 2006: The government of Oaxaca has advised the public that it will arrest all the leaders of the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca (APPO) to “guarantee the safety” of the state, the Secretary of Public Security Lino Celaya Luria said yesterday. This clarifies the sudden rash of plainclothes operators snatching men off the streets. That’s what they mean by “arrests.”
Senators and representatives of the PRD protesting at the Chamber of Deputies were beaten by federal police, who lobbed in tear gas to break up the demonstrations. At least 11 were beaten or left in shock. Two grenades exploded outside the Procurator General in Chetumal in the southern state of Quintana Roo. A few weeks ago, five presumed members of the Gulf cartel were arrested with four shoulder launched missiles, two carriers (cases?) of AK-47s, 100 cellular chargers, transfers with insignia of the Judicial Police, and equipment for radio transmission and satellite radiocommunication. Two senior police officials have recently been executed. The Governor, Félix González Canto, says that recent violence has not tarnished the attractiveness of Quintana Roo as a tourist destination.
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