Friday, August 18, 2006


The War in Oaxaca

From Democracy Now JOHN GIBLER: ...First off, the shootouts have all taken place in the context of either marches or meetings that the APPO have held, protest gatherings, or in one case, several people were ambushed on their way to such a meeting. That's where three people in the Triqui region, three indigenous people, were killed by armed gunmen who were not in uniform. Later, a few days later, in a march that was actually held, convoked on a day's notice to pull people into the streets to demand that people who had been either disappeared or taken prisoner and beaten be presented and be released. During that march, armed gunmen shot from two sides of the street into the crowd, wounding three people and killing one person, Jose Colmenares, who’s a mechanic and husband of one of the teachers and members of the teachers’ movement. The policy here has been systematic, that it's isolated, unarmed gunmen who appear in the crowds, shoot sometimes into the air, as with the case the week before in several protest gatherings in Oaxaca City, and is also the case with the Noticias newspaper, the critical newspaper in Oaxaca state. Armed gunmen entered with Uzis and shot into the ceiling. There, bullet fragments wounded six people. But in several cases, amazingly, the APPO members have actually detained the gunmen themselves and disarmed them and then turned them over to federal agents or detained people who were suspected of being -- they weren't seen to have shot, but were seen either running or caught, in the case of the March shooting... ...the working class society in Mexico is boiling.
I've just returned from a month spent in Mexico.

The "working class" that I was working with were quite relieved that a stable government had been reelected.

It's the communists that are boiling...what's new?
Ah, another thug here to throw out an insult and run.

I could delete the post, but letting such people show their ignorance is how the right is destroying itself.

What aspect of kidnapping and murdering people is the finest expression of American values, Swiftee? Is it when death squads pick out a teacher at random and shoot him to death? Or is it when police kidnap someone at random and torture them?

Mene, mene, tekel peres.

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