Thursday, September 21, 2006


So What's Up In Minnesota These Days?

Let's see: -- The National Jewish Democratic Council has officially told Alan Fine to stop the racist hack attacks on Keith Ellison in an excellent document that shows just how well the NJDC has researched the issue. -- A local blogger was investigating Scott Howell, Mark Kennedy's new ad guy and the person behind Saxby Chambliss' disgusting attack ads against Max Cleland, and apparently stumbled onto an new and yet-to-be run ad for the Kennedy campaign. He then sent the link for the website (which anyone could access) to the communications director for Amy Klobuchar, Tara McGuinness. She then apparently showed the ad to some people in the office, but then the question came up as to whether or not this was legal for them to do. To be on the safe side, Tara McGuinness resigned from the campaign and Amy Klobuchar -- who never saw the ad -- invited the local branch of the FBI to investigate the situation after promising not to use anything from the Kennedy ad in her own campaign. Of course, the Kennedy campaign, eager to use something -- ANYTHING -- to revive their dead candidacy, is latching onto the incident and trying to milk it for all it's worth. Instead of firing Scott Howell for having such rotten-to-nonexistent website security, they called for Amy Klobuchar to be indicted and made a big show of "taking down" their own campaign website -- except for the financial contributions and blog page, of course -- for "security concerns". Except, as MN Publius shows, the site hasn't been taken down at all; it's just had a fakey, LGF-style "redirect". How silly is all this? Wonkette's laughing at them, as were all the non-Fox local channels tonight. (Channel 4 WCCO, our CBS affiliate, made a point of mentioning what Wonkette and most all of the local bloggers like Centristy mentioned: that the financial-contributions part of the Kennedy website was left untouched and un-redirected.)

Have Coleen Rowley book her on charges of being far too naive to survive in Washington.

Really, I will never understand why Democrats are all supposed to be Calpurnia with a chastity belt, while Republicans don't resign even after they've pled guilty to felonies.
Oh, exactly. It was pointed out over at The Big Question that Republicans who have done far, far worse have got off scot-free.
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