Thursday, September 28, 2006


Tachy pulse, respirations shallow, blood pressure falling: The state of health insurace.

Excerpts from the Democratic Policy Committee September 27, 2006 American families continue to struggle to find affordable health coverage. Yesterday, the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research and Educational Trust released their annual survey of employer health benefits ... Average annual premiums for family coverage have escalated to $11,480, an increase of 81 percent since 2000, when family premiums were $6,348. Average annual premiums for single coverage have escalated to $4,242, an increase of 75 percent since 2000, when family [single?] premiums were $2,424. ... The number of uninsured Americans rose to 46.6 million in 2005, an increase of almost seven million since 2000. (U.S. Census Bureau, August 2006) Lack of health insurance has serious health consequences: the uninsured are more likely to forego needed care, receive fewer preventive services, not receive appropriate care to manage chronic disease, obtain substandard care when admitted to a hospital, and are more likely to die prematurely. (Institute of Medicine, May 2002) On top of the 46.6 million uninsured Americans, about 16 million people are underinsured, which means their health coverage does not adequately protect them from catastrophic health care expenses. Underinsured Americans are almost as likely as the uninsured to not receive needed medical care. (Schoen et al., Health Affairs, June 14, 2005) In addition to impeding access to care, rising health costs increase the chances that patients will receive large medical bills they simply cannot pay. Medical reasons – such as illness or injury or large uncovered medical bills – contribute to about 46 percent of personal bankruptcy filings. (Himmelstein et al., Health Affairs, February 2, 2005)
In the past 30 years, the costs of healthcare have soared in the United States. Due to rapidly escalating healthcare costs, Americans in ever increasing numbers have begun to search for alternatives that could reduce their personal out-of-pocket medical expenses. In the last few years, hundreds of thousands of Americans have chosen to become Medical Tourists.

Cost of medical and surgical procedures in Mexico is very low compared to what is paid in the United States. In most cases, the savings from their medical treatment can give people extra money for vacation. Indeed, a patient and his/her family can take a luxury vacation in a Mexican resort and pay for the trip with the savings they receive on getting their procedures in Mexico. Medical Tourism in the city of Guadalajara can certainly be a win-win proposition. While taking care of health needs at big discounts, shopping sprees, sight-seeing, cultural pursuits, and trips to nearby beaches and spas can all be arranged around a medical appointment schedule.

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