Thursday, October 26, 2006


Bush White House Playing Politics With Iraq. Again.

From Media Matters (emphases mine):

On the October 24 broadcast of the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, CBS News White House correspondent Jim Axelrod reported that a White House official told him, "[D]o not expect to see anything significant prior to Election Day" "as far as a significant change" in the Bush administration's Iraq policy and then quoted the official as saying: "You're not going to see anything before November 8th. It would be political suicide, and Karl Rove would never allow it."
Of course, pretty much everything the Bush Junta does is either political or ego-reinforcing, so the only surprise here is that Jim Axelrod actually reported it. But I digress:
Despite the apparent admission by this White House official that the administration is making tactical decisions about the Iraq war based on domestic political calculations, Axelrod and anchor Katie Couric failed to point out that, as of October 25, the death toll for U.S. soldiers in Iraq stood at 91 for the month, which sets a pace that would make October the deadliest month for U.S. troops in two years. Instead, Couric asked Axelrod, "But why is it political suicide if so many people are unhappy with what's going on in Iraq? You would think that to save their hides Election Day, they'd want to change course." In response, Axelrod asserted that President Bush "is known, if for nothing else, for his resolve. ... So to make such a significant change in two weeks' time I think would open -- introduce more problems than suggest answers."
Of course, this isn't the first time they've played political games with Iraq:
The Bush administration has demonstrated a willingness to time policy decisions in Iraq to U.S. electoral politics. And the media have previously shown little interest in reporting this. Media Matters for America noted the media's near-total silence regarding an October 11, 2004, Los Angeles Times report that the Bush administration planned to delay major assaults on insurgent strongholds in Iraq until after the 2004 U.S. presidential election, fearing large numbers of U.S. military casualties. As Media Matters noted, TV news broadcasts did not mention the Times article prior to the election; however, on November 8, 2004, the top story on each of the major TV networks' morning shows was the U.S.-led forces' assault on Iraqi insurgents in Fallujah.
No comment from me. None is necessary.

I saw a t-shirt that I thought pretty much summarized the strategy in Iraq.
The new in depth benchmark is Git R Dun. I thought it was funny.
See for yourself.
I wonder whether TV is not going to start basing shows or movies around this increasingly absurd war. For example:

"The Guns of Nasiriyah"
A Bridge Too Tal Afar"
"Saving Private Rayhan"
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