Sunday, November 19, 2006


States' Rights

John McCain, born-again conservative, has apparently decided that running for president requires him to take the extreme "pro-life" position.

MCCAIN: I don’t think a constitutional amendment is probably going to take place, but I do believe that it’s very likely or possible that the Supreme Court should — could overturn Roe v. Wade, which would then return these decisions to the states, which I support. STEPHANOPOULOS: And you’d be for that? MCCAIN: Yes, because I’m a federalist. Just as I believe that the issue of gay marriage should be decided by the states, so do I believe that we would be better off by having Roe v. Wade return to the states. And I don’t believe the Supreme Court should be legislating in the way that they did on Roe v. Wade.
Hmmm. Let's apply that position to other issues.
Just as I believe that the issue of gay interracial marriage should be decided by the states, so do I believe that we would be better off by having Roe v. Wade segregation return to the states. And I don’t believe the Supreme Court should be legislating in the way that they did on Roe v. Wade Brown v. Board of Education.
Come to think of it, Senator McCain, if you're looking to shore up your support among the Republican base, you probably should say my version, too.
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