Saturday, December 02, 2006


White House of Death (updated)

David Rose in The London Observer: The House of Death When 12 bodies were found buried in the garden of a Mexican house, it seemed like a case of drug-linked killings. But the trail led to Washington and a cover-up that went right to the top. David Rose reports from El Paso... ...Padilla had no connection with the drugs trade; he seems to have been the victim of a case of mistaken identity. Now, as a result of documents disclosed in three separate court cases, it is becoming clear that his murder, along with at least 11 further brutal killings, at the Juarez 'House of Death', is part of a gruesome scandal, a web of connivance and cover-up stretching from the wild Texas borderland to top Washington officials close to President Bush. These documents, which form a dossier several inches thick, are the main source for the facts in this article. They suggest that while the eyes of the world have been largely averted, America's 'war on drugs' has moved to a new phase of cynicism and amorality, in which the loss of human life has lost all importance - especially if the victims are Hispanic. The US agencies and officials in this saga - all of which refused to comment, citing pending lawsuits - appear to have thought it more important to get information about drugs trafficking than to stop its perpetrators killing people. For more, Bill Conroy of Narconews flays the Observer for some cunning wording that allowed them to fail to acknowledge Narconews and Proceso.
And not a single American news or media-commentary source, outside of maybe a handful of blogs, will mention this.

Meanwhile, Danny DeVito's daring to diss Mister Thirty-One Percent on live national TV cause the US's GOP/Media Complex to all but call for DeVito's execution.
According to the article, the Dallas Morning News carried the story. And as I recall the Houston Chronicle referred to it obliquely.

But Americans need to be asking why narcotrafficking seems to be doing so well.
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