Friday, January 05, 2007
ABC attempts to silence critic of its racist programming
Broadcasting hate is not in the interests of the American people. We don't tolerate it here, and I hope that we can persuade KSFO to either change its ways or face having its license pulled.
I, too, am *totally* in favour of free speech. Problem is, this speech isn't free. It is paid for handsomely by advertising revenues, which means by me and you through the products we buy, and I for one just want to let the guys who plunk down bucks to get a message to me that it isn't working, at least not with me.
I could just cut up my VISA card and only use my M/C from now on, but how would they know why? Not fair, I think. I look at it as a courtesy, you know, like telling a friend that she has toilet paper stuck to the bottom of her shoe. The advertisers are free to do as they wish about it, of course, as I am free to not buy their product (aka 'vote with my dollars', remember that phrase?)
It may also transpire that the on-air comments made over public airwaves under the terms of a federal license may violate a that lecense and/or other laws. In which case, proper authorities may requested to investigate and generally do their sworn duty to uphold the law. Or they would be in breach of the law. That's how it works, see?
Gosh, it is such a free, free country!
Just watch how they handle this. First the Sturm und Drang, then the Mea Culpa, finally the victim.
It would shock you to see the consistency in every response.
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