Saturday, January 27, 2007
A huge antiwar is taking place on the National Mall right now.
C-SPAN is covering it live.
MSNBC is reporting on it, though not covering it live. At the moment, the "disturbing case" of two teenagers videotaping a sexual assault is of greater national importance.
On CNN, they're chatting about the 2008 election.
Why, no, I didn't bother checking Fox News. Should I?
[One hour later] Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Sean Penn and Jane Fonda are talking to the crowd on the National Mall.
MSNBC is talking "family money".
CNN is talking about campaign cash for 2008.
I am so glad that there *are* people out there and feel bad not to be there.
(Oh, and sorry, Banned One, but we still know who you are and when and where you post. Bye-bye!)
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